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  • Hunter Ohmann

Welcome to Science Chum!

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Hi, everyone!

My name is Hunter Ohmann. I was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. In high school, I was very interested in forensic pathology (I watched a LOT of CSI after school each day), and eventually oceanography. I have always loved nature and you could find me on the playground by myself sitting with my Peterson guide watching the birds instead of playing on the monkey bars. Unfortunately, my family did not support my wanting to pursue studying the environment and did not want me to move away from home closer to the coast to do so. I studied at Central Piedmont Community College and then transferred to The University of North Carolina at Charlotte and pursued my Bachelor's there. Since I knew anything having to do with the environment was off the table, I decided to not study any science-related subjects. I pursued a degree in Art History with a minor in English, but by the time junior year rolled around, my advisor told me that to do what I wanted (art museum curator), I would need a Master's in Art History, a Master's in whatever kind of art I wanted to study, and then PhDs as well. I would also need to learn the language in which the art is based. I was funding all of my education with only FAFSA assistance, so I realized a career in curatorship would not be happening. I would need multiple internships over the years as I pursued the degree, all unpaid. Fast forward to graduation and I had no plans. I graduated in December 2017 with a Bachelor's in English and dual minors in Art History and General History.

While Covid was detrimental to many families and individuals, and it has harmed the economy and more, Covid led to my leaving a job I did not like. It led to my husband and I moving out of our 700-square-foot apartment into a 2,000+ square-foot house about 30 minutes away and we have grown into it since. It allowed us to rescue our dog, Indy, and other reptiles as well (we have four total, three different species). It put us geographically closer to my therapist, and sessions with them allowed me to realize my goals and dreams again. Driving home from therapy, I called my husband and told him what happened, how I rehashed parental issues and realized I was so unhappy career-wise because I felt stuck. I was not doing what I actually like, but just living day-to-day wishing I could go back to school and make different decisions. My husband being the amazingly supportive man that he is encouraged me to go back to school and to pursue my dreams. We met in 2017 at our local rock climbing gym where he asked me out to go hiking with him (*swoon*) and the rest is history. After dating for about six months (after knowing each other for another six previously), we got married in January of 2018- when you know, you know. Five years later and he has been pushing and motivating me through and through without fail. He inspires me daily and I am so glad to have him on my side. With his support, I applied to The University of South Carolina at Columbia.

I am hoping to graduate in the spring of 2025, and then I will pursue my graduate degree. I am greatly interested in pursuing anthropogenic effects on seabirds, behavior, and how they adapt to changes in the environment, and environmental policy. Delving into the world of science communication will allow me to learn what will work best for me while allowing me to share my world with others. What I have found is that a lot of beautiful research is done and papers are published, but the public never knows what is happening, and if they do know, they may not fully understand said research. My goal is to make science more easily digestible for everyone. I hope to dive (pun definitely intended) into the basics and also research.

Go make waves!


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